Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Romans 12:2

As I was reading through Romans a tad, I think I'll eventually do like a little "Romans Series." But for right now, I am just going to focus on one verse...

Romans 12:2
2 Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.

This verse has stuck with me for many years, in high school we went to a youth conference with my church youth group,( Planet Wisdom) and this verse was the theme of the conference.( i wish i could remember what exactly they said to us / or had the booklet they handed out.

Remember how in my first post I told you I'd be telling you different words that have come to me over the years?- This post is about "Renew" (your mind)

Many people start out with such a passion for Christ and just a heart for God, then something happens, it fades away, why?
Why not keep up the passion?
What happened to your faith?

Let me guess... being sucked in to the ways of the world?... in some way or another?

We ALL are sinners. yep, even Miss Goody-Two-Shoes... Shes a sinner. But we ALL are saved by HIS Grace.. Yes, of course Miss Goody-Two Shoes, but everyone is. Even if you think "i've sinned so much that I don't think God will accept me...".. yep, He sure will... he accepts all sinners, just gotta tell him that you've messed up, but that you believe in Jesus, and that Jesus died for your sins...."

Back to renewing  your mind...
We've got 2 choices...
We can either live according to the Spirit, or live according to this world...

Looking at the first part of the verse "Do not conform to the pattern of this world"-- Which way SHOULD we live?

As I type that, "DO NOT conform to the pattern of this world..."--- yep, its saying to NOT do it... people do it though. Its not saying, eh, you can conform to the world on occassion, or anything, nope, not at all.

There must be a conscious decison made to renew your mind which will transform your life. There may be some sacrifices to be made to live a Holy Pleasing life for God.

You may need to ask yourself "what is the difference between the patterns of this world and a living sacrifice..."
you may need to evaluate your life to determine what you need to get rid of in your life that is hindering you to renew your mind and have a life according to God.

Why do people want to be consumed by this world, when our destination  is not here on Earth. All this stuff and just worthless stuff is just temporary... it wont go with you when you leave earth,( some of the stuff is a lot more temporary than other stuff...)

Sure people who are Christians have tough times. Just because you believe in God, doesn't mean that tough times wont come... and Satan will tempt you to things of this world. Satan knows how to lure people in, and to get sucked back into worldly things...
Its up to you to just say "no" and make that decision that you are going to live your life for Christ.

What you feed your eyes, ears, mouth, mind with will be houw you live...
Some people live one way, act another.
At some point though, what you do/think behind the scenes will eventually come out... what you fill yourself with is what you will produce.. 
If you do fill your eyes, ears mouth, mind with filth, then thats all that will come out, filth.
If you fill your eyes, ears, mouth, mind with goodness, then all that will come out, goodness....

When you consciously renew your mind, its a constat process which will lead to a transformation, from being worldly to being Christlike.
We no longer think like one who doesnt believe, no longer feed on things of this worldthat we used to be, instead focus on things  that build you up, strenghtn your faith, encourage others  to do the same.
Once we clear out the "weeds" and we focus on God then we are able to see wht God has in store for our lives. You have to have a spiritual Mind to know, you must feed your mind and soul of spiritual feed....

While reading this you just may be just reading... Im going to give you some suggestions on actually how to follow through. and how to renew your mind.

Theres not an automatic fix... you'll have to train yourself...

1) you must consciously give your life to Christ... Every day. nope not just every few days or just when you think about it... when you wake up,  commit your life to him even say it out loud "Jesus, I'll live for you today."

2) Daily prayer and Bible reading. - To know the will of GOd and be transformed. - It will require a disclipline to sit down and pray and read the Bible. As I've told the Youth group before, you dont need 5 hours to do this, (unless if God's calling you to do this...) but seriously just take a few minutes, pray. (for people you know who need prayers, specifically, generally, whatever...) Spend some time in scripture... It takes time and requires determnation... all things take time, but make this a priority.

3) Have an "accountability partner"- someone where you trust and relate to and hold you to your prayer and bible reading.

4) Feed your mind with the things that are wholesome. Yep, you'll have to disciline yourself over what you watch, read, listen to and everything.

Romans 12:2
2 Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.

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